SILK Holdings Berhad

SILK Holdings Berhad is the company that manages SILK highway.

Substantial Shareholders

This information is obtained from the company’s 2013 annual report. This is correct as at October 10th 2013.

(Name, No. of shares, Percentage)

  1. Johan Zainuddin bin Dzulkifli* 145,355,426 33.54%
  2. Abdul Rahman bin Ali** 94,000,000 21.69%
  3. Dato’ Mohd Azlan Hashim*** 84,835,669 19.58%
  4. Infra Bumitek Sdn Bhd 79,555,426 18.36%
  5. Bijak Permai Sdn Bhd 37,600,000 8.68%
  6. Mohd Noor Ismardi Idris 31,998,893 7.38%


* Direct and deemed interest through Infra Bumitek Sdn Bhd and Bijak Permai Sdn Bhd

** Direct and deemed interest through Temuras Jaya Sdn Bhd

*** Deemed interest through Infra Bumitek Sdn Bhd and RHB Capital Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd

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